Friday, October 2, 2015

Being Content with Your Lot in Life

Can a poor person without anything be completely content. I have to attest to that and say yes. I see it often in the homeless on the streets. I have seen it many times, money, and materials do not constitute  well being. Your lot in life or your present circumstances do have to define who you are. 

It is what is within you that defines who you are. 

Often when we think of contentment, we think about money and having things. Things that are materials that make life better, easier, more enjoyable.  Plenty of food, good healthy food, we think of clothes, cars, a home etc.. I could go on and on, but contentment does not and should not revolve around your circumstances but should reside within your character.  

 I figured this out along the way of life. We work or don't work, we live, we love, we share ourselves our walk, our faith and hope with others and that alone should be enough right? Well look around it isn't. 

“ I maintain that both poverty and wealth are inhibiting. People living in poverty 
 are scared, you scare money away, you scare values away and you scare blessings 
 away. Now some wealthy people also freeze. they too are scared. They are scared of losing what they have. They hold on to all of it and therefore blessings stop coming to them”
 Norman Vincent Peale.  

Peale goes on to pen that the key to contentment is having a giving heart, and being willing to give it all away. The “it” is not only money but ourselves, and our time for God. The way to get to that freedom is complete submission to the Lord, our God. Submission leads to freedom.

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.  I can do all things through him who strengthens me." (Phil 4:11-13, Holy Bible) 

I have lived in want, and need, I have lived in plenty, and I am still learning how to be content, but isn't God the wonderful potter.

Contentment is often put in the category of having or not having and often it’s associated with money, just as I have associated with money, but it is so much more than just having financial freedom. It is submitting to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it is daily seeking him and walking in fellowship with him to obtain just a piece of what Paul had. It is a state of mind and product of character. It is a virtue to strive for, and a habit that can be obtained through submission to God. A product of that submission, will be a thankful heart. That gratuitous heart of humility will seek Him and find Him along with peace and freedom like no other. That my friend, will be contentment at it’s best.

This is part 1 .... be on the look out for part 2.... "Being content on this roller coaster called life."

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