Monday, March 28, 2016

Living a Good Life....

Are you living a good life? When I say good, are you saved? Are you inwardly good as well as outwardly good? When I say outwardly good, I mean you do good deeds, you help others, but how are you on the inside ... in the depths of your soul?? Do you belong to Jesus Christ, do you submit to him ? Is he first in your life? When the going gets tough do you reach out to him or other things? Do you put Him on a shelf along with your Bible and just pull him out when you need him?

“‘The stone the builders rejected

    has become the cornerstone;

11 the Lord has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes" 
(Mark 12:11)

It's a great story, how Jesus uses a parable to explain the hearts of mankind. (Mark 12:1-10)
It's even relatable to his own story..... 

What about your story? Where does he fit in it? Is he just part of your story or is he the lead actor?

During this Easter season and time of reflection on Jesus Christ, are you living for him or rejecting him?

Are you living a life that looks good, but inside you are rejecting God? 

We reject him every day when we make concessions, and do not allow him to saturate our whole being. 
We reject him when we fail to worship him. We reject him when we put him aside and on a shelf until we need him. We reject him when we reject mankind... our neighbor, our family.... 
We reject him when we fail to recognize our one goal in life is to love..... to show love, to care, to help, to serve.....

The stone that the builders rejected is the Chief Cornerstone .. and He wants you to come as you are. It does not matter where you have come from,or where you are ...but He wants you now...

I want to ask you again, where is He in your story? on a shelf? or in your life daily?

Make a choice today to live for him whole heartedly Today !!! 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Were you there?

This morning, as I read the resurrection story, I am excited for the day, I am excited that I get to be a part of such a wonderful day. I am excited for Worship service this morning and being a part of something so great that God ordained. He ordained "Church Service". Paul wasn't going around establishing churches out of his own volition,  He established Churches because God knew we as a people needed something to help us a long the way, we needed a preacher to give us hope,  and a spoken word from HIS Word to keep us on the right path. As I read the story of Christ and his death and resurrection, I am reminded of God's sovereignty, of his promises and of his Love. Thank you God.....

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Oh were you there when they crucified my Lord?

(Ohh, sometimes it causes me to tremble)

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, they made a crown of thorns for his head, and bowed before him and mocked him......(Matt 28-31)

Were you there when they nailed Him to the cross?

Were you there when they nailed Him to the cross?

(Ohh, sometimes it causes me to tremble)

Were you there when they nailed Him to the cross?
They gave him sour wine to drink on the cross, cast lots for his clothes, and put a sign above his head, "King of the Jews" (Matt 34-37)

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?

(Ohh, sometimes it causes me to tremble)

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
A rich man from Arimathea named Joseph who had become a disciple of Jesus, asked Pilate for the body. He wrapped the body in a clean linen cloth and laid him in his tomb which had been hewn out of a rock and he rolled a large stone over the door. (Matt 27:57-60)

Well, were you there when the stone was rolled away?

Were you there when the stone was rolled away?

(Ohh, sometimes it causes me to tremble)

Were you there when the stone was rolled away?
Because of the requests of the chief priests and Pharisees, Pilate put a guard in front of the tomb to make sure the disciples did not come and steal the body. They went and made the tomb secure and the guard stood watch. There was a great Earthquake and an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and rolled the stone away from the tomb, and the guards shook in fear of him. The angel spoke to the women who were at the tomb( the two Marys) and said "do not be afraid, for I know you seek Jesus who was crucified." " He is not here, he is risen, he said come and see the place where the Lord lay."
He was not there..... (Matt 28: 1- 6)
Were you there when he rose up from the grave?

Were you there when he rose up from the grave? 
Oh, sometimes it makes me want to shout and tremble

Were you there when he rose up from the grave? 

This is an old song written by Johnny Cash, but it has been remade by other artists and Christian artists. 

The truth is.... We were not there, but the reminder is that it happened. Does it touch your soul and make you tremble? It should. 

He died for you... He died for me... 

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal savior, ask him to come into your heart and your life today. He can and will change your life if you will allow him to. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Today I Wrote a Check to God

Today I wrote a check out to God. I gave him a partial payment. I was fearful I would not have enough money, so I only gave him what I thought I could afford.

I did not use my talents for fear of being made fun of, or being vulnerable to others...

I did not give him my time because that is mine.... I don't have enough of it as it is, so I chose to do some things good things to help me relax and I did not go to church, I did not go to Bible Study, because Lord, I am just too busy... I know I will find some down time and make my own Sabbath Lord, I will find some time this week to meditate on you......

As the day went on, and the weekend drew near, I ran out of money. I ran out of time and I abided in fear and anxiety, loosing sleep over troubles of this world, and I did not renew myself in God's word, with God's people or in prayer.....The nice neat budget that I planned out went bust,  and here I am stuck with a struggle, defeated and stressed.

Each and every day we rob God.... We put the "I" in it and often make our own destiny with our own hands..... a little thing called free will.....
Though free will is amazing, it creates choice where we have to be intentional about worship, service and love.
We must be intentional about what we give to God.

Do you rob God often? Are you living a life where you must have total control and are you selling God short?

You see, people that have money and people that don't both struggle with money, either the fear of not having enough or the fear of loosing what you have. Both situations can be very inhibiting, and binding. Trusting in God to take care of you,  whether you are rich or poor, and trusting him with your first fruits, your time, your thoughts, and your talents will only give you the freedom you so desire in this world.

Are you holding on so tight to control in your life, that you forget to give God control?

Have you ever put God on your payroll? Is your faith based on making sure all the check boxes are checked?

Welcoming in 2023 Embracing the Patchwork Quilt

I clearly remember my Nanny telling me about the quilt she had for me. She explained how they would save their old dresses and cut it up int...