Sunday, June 30, 2019

Judgmental People

When I was in my 20's I used to think the Church was the most judgmental place on the earth. I believed the people in the church were so judgy and pretentious.

Even later as an adult of small children, I can remember feeling judged and inadequate, and I fought for the confidence that I lacked without the support I needed.

That so often is the case. We offer our opinion but not really our support.

As I matured though and lived in this world a little longer, I realized that those church people were not as judgmental as I thought. I came across many people groups who were so very judgmental:  oppressed people groups,  prestigious people groups, enlightened people groups, scholarly people groups, then just good ole salt of the earth people groups too.  What I have learned is- that it is not one people group that are judgmental but people in general are judgmental.

It's people who have unrest in their soul, people with agendas, people who are not at peace. Those people judge others. Many people who have experienced hardship in their life become cynical and may become judgmental to others, I could go on and on, but the reality is- unhappiness, and un-rest within.

I think we should be lifting people up, not tearing them down in whatever capacity you are in, you don't tear one people group down to lift yourself up. You should never put one person down to make yourself feel better or even to get your point across. There are so many ways to make change without the hate, to be a light without the agendas and hurt.
Sometimes people think they are doing a good thing but in the end the un-rest and hate in their soul is so very evident and the judgement that they place on others is so very hurtful,  when that wasn't their intention at all but there it is in black and white letters on the page or words that cannot be taken back.  Stop being judgmental and search deep down to what the real problem in your life is- start there, not with others and their weaknesses.

Fast forward and now I am much older and wiser-  I realize people are people, we all want to prove our point, but I want to ask you...... Why the judgement? Why the stones ? Think before you speak or write.  Choose love.

We all need to search deep within ourselves

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