Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Need Within

I was in meditation the other day and praying and thinking about life when God revealed something to me, or reminded me or whatever we would like to call it. I was thinking of the turmoil that we get in with our mates, our friends, our family and how so very different we are. Like when we give our heart away how bad it hurts when turmoil sneaks in. When you love someone and share your life, your love and yourself with them they become a part of you and imagining life without them is hard.

I also began to think how it is very hard for two people to get along, to live in complete harmony, because we are so different. I think about when people get divorced or couples break up and the pain and turmoil that you see, the homes that are broken and the lives that are shattered. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts, and I think it is for that very reason. Our carnal self looks only for pleasure and to fulfill the lust of the flesh( a need for comfort), not just a physical affair or something like that, but that part of us that needs validating as well, that part of us that just cannot stay settled and content with what we have. The very depths of our soul is unsettled and always seeking to better things, to better ourselves to better others, to have more, do more and want more. We set goals and are insistent  on reaching them or else. We know what we need and if that need isn't met by something or someone then we look elsewhere, we search, we seek, we want.  It's the human condition. The weak part of us that feels need.......maybe the answer to life is knowing this about ourselves, yet choosing the right path regardless, choosing to be content in all circumstance.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe we should have goals and better ourselves but if those goals make you live a life of turmoil or stress and it seems you are always striving and dis-content maybe you need to stop and reflect for a while and seek something bigger.

God tells us in his word that he wants to meet our needs- all those needs I wrote above, but we know that it cannot be that simple. We need something more tangible, more real, so we continue to seek.

11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content. 12 I know how to be abased, and I know also how to abound: in everything and in all things have I learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want. 13 I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me.  Phil 4:11-13

In the end, once you have read HIS word and you know his word, all the scriptures point back to one thing. God wants us to live with people not isolated, not alone,  he wants us to have that human connection, to tolerate others, to love others, to love the unlovable. We are so very different, really it's the depths of OUR own hearts that matter to HIM. The challenge and victory of life is being able to live in that content frame of mind realizing that it's not all about "ME".

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Privilege - An Open Letter to my Daughters

Danny recently began a sermon series on privilege.  I really began to think about how blessed we truly are in America and also how spoiled we are.
We take the privileges we have for granted. If I tell my girls, no we are not going out to eat again, or no I am not buying this or that right now, I get " are we poor" I have to explain, no I am trying to budget. I have had the talk with them as well, no we are not poor, but we are not rich, we are somewhere in between. It is really all about perspective.  Some of my own family back home would think that we are rich, but some of your friends at school who travel abroad for breaks etc, may think we are poor.

Regardless of finances, I just want to write this open letter to my girls about privilege.

Recently - I applied for a job and was concerned if I would even get it because I did not meet the Diverse criteria that they were looking for. I had been working for the company for 3 years and had experience with the computer system, and knew the ropes and I finished up my advanced degree and just wanted a promotion, but if someone out there who was more diverse than me with less experience applied they could potentially oust me out of the running for the job. This concerned me and then I realized this is only going to get worse, my poor children. .....

    I am sorry I raised you so that you don't have to worry about food, shelter, or basic needs, because if any of those were threatened you might appreciate more of the basic things in life.

I am sorry you are caucasian and from a middle income family because you will be set aside for jobs because you are not more ethnic and diverse.

You are women and you are beautiful and this my friend will cause people to judge your ability, your sincerity and even your intellect. But you come from a long line of smart, strong beautiful women, you can handle it.

I cannot apologize because you were raised with Christian values and go to a Christian church. But you will be ridiculed and picked on for any of this and later accused of being closed minded if you ever tell anyone, but be aware. Even if you are open minded, the very words Christian causes others to judge you.  You could even be shunned, picked over for jobs and talked about even amongst your peers for this one. Stand strong in your faith, be proud, because at the end of the day, God will be the one holding your hand and giving you peace and rest to sleep and begin again.

Bottom line is that you are privileged, no you do not feel privileged because you cannot have everything you want, we don't get to do long vacations and cruises every year, and travel abroad each summer. You want to do extracurricular activities that I cannot always afford, and you have to do chores around the house, and help out at church on Sundays because your dad is the pastor and always be prepared at any second to accept someone in your home, your private space,  because that is what pastors' families do. No, you may not feel privileged,  but you are.

Though you may suffer some because you are a Christian and because we are not rich according to  our immediate World's standards but we are rich according to most of the world's standards as a whole, I cannot begin to explain it, but as you live and travel you will see just how fortunate you are.

We are privileged, you are privileged and you have the amazing opportunity to know Jesus Christ, to be around his people and to know the comfort of having two parents that love you dearly.
As you start to experience the world and see that you are truly the minority don't shrink back and feel less, don't hide your light because you are not diverse enough or liberal enough.... be the person we are raising you to be .. beautiful, loving, real, strong, and Christ like... because in the end the things that matter will still be the things that are important, all the rest is just part of life in a privileged, self-seeking, society. So be strong, stand strong and be proud of who you are.

Welcoming in 2023 Embracing the Patchwork Quilt

I clearly remember my Nanny telling me about the quilt she had for me. She explained how they would save their old dresses and cut it up int...