Tuesday, March 12, 2013


     As I waded the slush of snow and rain, and melted snow the other beautiful march afternoon, I realized that this might be the last bit of snow I see for a long, long while.  A wave of sadness washed over me, as I realized how quickly this journey of life is about to over, not only am I turning a year older this past week, but we are moving soon to the beach.  That should excite me and it does, but we have made such connections here in Virginia these last 4 years here.  To move again at this age seems crazy, we should be settled somewhere with a mortgage and roots, but here we are moving......
........................but I am trusting HIM.....................

   We have been going through the book of Acts and I have been reviewing the awesome works of the disciples after Christ's death and how he empowered them to do his work. I am renewed in spirit when I think of how God's power is with us, how he sent the Holy Spirit to indwell within us and empower us to go out and do his work, how we are his vessels and he can work through us if we allow it. How refreshing it is to visit this known wisdom from God.

"I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit."
Ephesians 3:16 NLT

   We truly serve an amazing God whom I am relying on and counting on. An awesome God who I know will take care of us and help us along the way.  An omnipotent God who sees all, knows and can be all we need. 

  As I close this chapter of life and begin another all this change is kinda hard, but I am claiming His promises and clinging to his hand as we begin yet another amazing journey with my Lord and Savior !!

If you are dealing with any changes in your life, trust in him to help you through..... he will. And YOU can get through this with his help. 
...................................................................trust in HIM, the one sustainer and creator that will help you.

Welcoming in 2023 Embracing the Patchwork Quilt

I clearly remember my Nanny telling me about the quilt she had for me. She explained how they would save their old dresses and cut it up int...