Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Author of the Play

She said " I will probably get cast as a tea cup, but I will play that part well, and be the best tea cup ever" 

These were the words spoken by my little theater child.  In theater, actors, especially those broadway actors are so very happy to play any part. Have you ever seen the Lion King and how even the gazelles dance around like they are having the time of their life. Like their very part is the most important....

Funny how we live our lives like our part is the most important, but not in the sense of being a character in a play but being the author of our life.

We feel like our career, our family, our children, our home, our cars, our circle of friends, must resemble that of Hollywood. ... I look around and I see all these people looking as if they are living a minimalist life or they are striving to, yet they are definitely trying with all their might, and strength to keep up with the 'Jones' but more importantly show up the Jones' family.

So I was reminded this morning that we are merely characters in this life, not the author-
Just as 1Cor 12:1-27 discusses, we are merely the sum of parts....

 God is the author.

Are you allowing God to author your life? Or have you decided that yours is the most important part? Have you decided well I am going to finish this story how I want .....

I want to ask you today, to turn to Him and seek what he wants for your life.

Ask yourself these three things

1. What am I doing to glorify God daily and am I spending time with HIM?

2. Who am I blessing or showing His light to? Or who can see His light in me on the daily?

3. What action/work/ help/ am I doing to further God's Kingdom on the daily?
(though works are not required or even expected, when you are off the milk as a baby and on the meat as an adult Christian-    you will WANT to do works for God)

I want to ask you are you trying to author your destiny or playing God's part, the one he assigned you? And if so, are you playing it to best of your ability? no matter how small?

Sunday, February 4, 2018


These words resonated in my heart and mind as I read them.

I thought about how rejection feels.

Being in the ministry, rejection is a feeling or emotion experienced often.

Often people will try out our church or come for a while and decide it's not for them or "we aren't the right fit." So over the last four years I have lost count on how many times I have heard that statement.

I try not to take it personal but really it is personal, but I give it to God and go on.

Growing up, I was very sensitive, always getting my feelings hurt, wearing my feelings on my sleeve, and just sensitive.  Well life gave me the exposure I needed to get over it.

Then I became a nurse and let me tell you my skin thickened even more. So I would say I have pretty thick skin, So I guess God thinks I can take the rejection required to be his servant.

But as I was reading the verse of the day today, I was reminded of a promise from God - that Christ will never reject us and that was the heart therapy that I needed this morning.

"However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them." John 6:37
Isn't it wonderful to be in God's family. To feel acceptance and the love of the Father.  When I read this my heart was pricked into thanksgiving, and I thought about all the people in my life who love me so much. The true friends who don't just say let me do something, but just do something for me when times are hard, there are so many people out there that honestly let God and love guide them and it is amazing. I am so blessed.

More importantly, the scripture above is a promise that once you are in God's family, He will never reject you..... it says "those who come to me".......  Again a choice you have to make, to come to HIM but He will not reject you.

So I ask you today, have you come to HIM or are you rejecting HIM?

Welcoming in 2023 Embracing the Patchwork Quilt

I clearly remember my Nanny telling me about the quilt she had for me. She explained how they would save their old dresses and cut it up int...