Sunday, July 27, 2014

People do what they want to do....

A wise lady once shared a very true statement with me and it makes such good sense.

she said "People will always do what they want to do"

You can take that several ways. Literally, people do what they want, things they like and go places they want to go.

You can look at it another way and see it a little more spiritual and deep, and you can actually see more clear. People do what they want, some do just enough to get by. Let me go to worship for one hour on Sunday, make myself feel good and for one hour a week spend worshipping God, it appeases the conscience enough to feel good about it.

Oh,  you feel uncomfortable going to the small group, men or women's Bible study... don't go, find an excuse, you do what your heart desires.
Just thinking about it, People do what they want. If you wanted go to a movie and you couldn't quite afford it this week, but went anyway...

**You did what you want, when you wanted and will pay the consequence when your money doesn't stretch quite far enough for those groceries you actually need.

You want to look good  and feel healthy, you go to the gym or walk or exercise, and watch what you eat. What about your Bible study? Are you skimping on that...
So you want to look good, but if you are skimping on your quite time, study and meditation, what about your spiritual self and emotional? Don't you want to feel good?
People always do what they want to do.....

Where is your heart and what it is that you want to do? Follow your own desires or follow his? Are you on HIS mission? 

It's all a matter of the heart, but is it? Maybe a little narcissism as well? a little selfishness. Do you see the bigger picture?  What do you give yourself to?

God will always make a way for the performance in your Life of His will to be made manifest.
Once you set your goals on the things that are important to him, get ready to see amazing things.
God wants obedience in your life. Part of that is a giving over to him, submitting and giving yourself. Your desires won't be so selfish and self-inward anymore, but your desires will be what he wants in your life.

"But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4

What are you giving yourself over to? 

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