Well if you look at the history and read about these fine men, there is much commentary on these wise men that followed a star to see Jesus.
In my heart of hearts I love the fact that though they were wise they were not so haughty or elite that their hearts could not be pricked, and not so educated that their minds were closed to miracles. It is evident that they had vision and open minds, a curiosity- that fulfilled prophecy.
Today men have knowledge but often their minds are closed to miracles, to faith, to things bigger than what can be explained, not these men and that is why we call them wise.
I would rather have wisdom above knowledge any day.
Wisdom is being able to look deeper, see clear, see further, have vision with an open mind not penetrated or controlled by mere words on black and white paper or theories or one book that you read. Wisdom is so much more than mere knowledge.
In Mathew 2, the wise men came from the East and King Herod heard about the baby being born and even wanted the wise men to report back to him. Little did he know they were on mission, little did he know, there was a bigger plan than he could imagine in the works. In that bigger plan they never returned to report to King Herod.
They did however fall down and worship Jesus, they gave him gifts, and in getting there, they simply followed a star. Really it doesn't make a lot of since to me that well educated men would put faith in a star and follow it. Scripture even says that when they saw the star they rejoiced, they had joy because they knew in their very being the prophecy. I am amazed that well educated men would revere angels and dreams, but they did, and that's why we call these men, these kings, these magi- WISE.
So what about being wise?
Well today, we don't have a star to follow, we don't have a physical baby to visit or to bring gifts, to bow down and worship, but in the moment at Jerusalem, when the wise men were there they didn't either. Though they did have hope, a curiosity, the gut feeling, the nudging of something inside of them to go and see. Do you?
If you are yet to be a believer, there must be some curiosity, some hope-something speaking to your soul that there is something more, that there is a Jesus. While you aren't going to physically take a journey to see a baby in a manger to worship, you are still on a journey in life to find Jesus and you will find HIM if you look.
Mathew 2:10 says the wise men "rejoiced exceedingly with great joy"
God wants to offer you joy too.

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