Saturday, December 12, 2015

Seasonal Sins

I can remember a song I used to listen to years ago, and included in the lyrics was:

" Those seasonal sins have a sting in the end"

I remember thinking what are they talking about?  And then I realized it... it's the sin of envy or lust or just wanting more, and over spending or even the hustle and bustle that inches out your time alone with God.

Those are the seasonal sins ....

Christmas is a time of year to spend money... We all have a good heart and we want to spend it on others, and give, but sometimes we can be over indulgent and give too much leaving our pocket books in debt or overspent. That kinda defeats that good hearted gesture doesn't it?

The other day we were sitting in group and the question was put out there.....

What have you been studying or what have you been dealing with in your study... the room got quite.

The room getting quite is a sad thing, why, because that could indicate that no one is studying. No one would speak up and share because everyone is so busy with the holiday season that quite time gets put aside for other things. (well and there could have been a few shy ones who did not want to speak up about their devotions with God) but......

I was one of those people. As I was driving to work a few days later, I heard a Christmas song playing about Jesus(the reason for the season) and I was immediately convicted, convicted that I was not spending enough time with God. I could blame it on graduate school, work, my second job, the church stuff, or I can just take the blame of busying myself... with shopping online, social media, looking, searching.... idol time that should be spent with God.

Search yourself right now, do you spend time with HIM, I mean more than just reading a Bible verse, time to listen, pray and listen some more. Read, listen, pray listen. Spend some time with God and see how blessed your
holiday season will be !!

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