Well let me tell you, I see that as Romancing life... yep that is what I shall call it.
Then there are others, the people that continuously live in the real world and see things as they truly are, not hopeless, not a cynic or fatalist or pessimist, but a realist.
The realist- someone who lives in the real world, but occasionally gets to experience Life to it's fullest, they usually can see the silver lining, hope and often will be optimistic, but when we get to Romance life, well that is great. Even the realist get to experience life and life to it's fullness.
I could go on and on with definitions of cynic, fatalist, pessimist etc... but we all know what those words mean, let's talk about Romancing life..... without rose colored glasses.
Enjoy the little things, small moments that take your breath, gestures, flowers, sunrises and sunsets.
Enjoy the grace, hope and mercy Jesus Christ offers. It is abundant, it is everlasting, and it is an awesome experience in the Life journey !
Romance Life, find the good, see the good, look for the good in others, in situations, challenge yourself to do it if you do not do it naturally.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippine 4:8God has a plan for your life. He wants you to live for him... simple. He wants you to be happy and if Romancing life does not come naturally, take a vacation from what comes natural and try it, try on a pair of rose colored glasses for a few hours, challenge yourself to think a little differently and find good in everyone, not bad. Look for that good quality and concentrate on it. God will bless your efforts. When something bad happens look for the good, look for a lesson, look for God in all things. If you cannot find God in it, look for him to be there with you through it. I will say he will be there for you in all things if you are his. He will comfort you, guide you and help you in times of trouble, he is a refuge of strength and peace. Try him.
Try Romancing life a little, look for the good.....
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.Romans 12:2
LOVE, LOVE IT...great inspiration!