Thursday, October 2, 2014


Ephesians 6:7 
"Rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man." 

I heard a preacher preach on this once when I was younger and had not many cares in this world and I thought it was pretty interesting.  I remember how passionate he was about it. I think he was a bi-vocational pastor and if I remember correctly I think he did some type of clean up work whether it was for construction or maybe janitorial, but regardless he talked about using a broom and how menial but needed the task was. Someone has to clean up, that is a needed job. He went on to talk about how he didn't love his job, but he kept the mindset that everything he did, he did it unto God and not man. He went on to include how you not only should do it with a good heart, but with pride, and do a good job as if you are doing it for the Lord. He was very passionate and it really stuck with me . 

Recently I have been studying and  writing about ethics in the work place and in healthcare. Believe me, I have had to meditate on this scripture many times when I have had a difficult or hateful patient to take care of.  I coach myself"Remember you are doing this for the Lord, not man, remember, remember, remember. Remember, they are just sick, and mad at the world and you may be the only light they see." Yeah, I have pep talks with myself. 
I find it quite amusing that there is very long literature out there and in place regarding ethics while dealing with patients. There has to be a legal and binding document to hold nurses accountable, maybe because no one reads the Bible anymore. I mean you could know this scripture alone and be compelled to uphold a standard and do a good job. 

Enough talk about nursing, what about you? Can you honestly say you are working a job as to the Lord and not man? 
Man includes self. We often get so self involved about what we want and need, we forget we are not here to be inward, we are here to be outward and outward would include dealing with others. Why do we need to deal with others and be in this world? Because we need to show them Christ. We need to be that light that they see. We, you, Me, We are the hands and feet of Jesus Christ whether you want to embrace that or not.  If you want authentic, abundant life through HIM, you must submit to his will, his design for your life is not all about you, but all about HIM.  

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