Most of the time it's dark, and you have to navigate around turns, sometimes bumps and in order to keep your self from absorbing the darkness and freaking out, you have to keep your mind set on your goal, your purpose, your immediate task- to get out.
Life can be like that sometimes. Things happen, the stress of life: finances, careers or the overwhelming sickness of a family member, a child or even your self...... Darkness creeps in like the fog does in San Fransisco making everything darker covered, blurred.
The tunnel gets dark, and as you begin to look around you get anxious, scared, and you even wonder why did I get in this tunnel, how did I get here, can I turn around, do I have a choice, what is the best way out?
If you sit there and concentrate on all this and you don't concentrate on moving, and getting out where your focus should be, then you will become anxious. Your flight or fight mode will kick in and you will either make a plan or allow the darkness to overcome you. You might even have a panic attack thinking about all those things, when all you really need to do is get moving, concentrate on your task at hand and remember your immediate goal and purpose.
If you concentrate on your immediate goal, eventually you will see the light at the end and that will give you even more motivation to continue.
Life is kinda like the tunnel. You can sit with it and concentrate on the walls coming in around you or the fog, or the darkness, or the situation that you might be in. The situation seems overwhelming and it may be hard to even think about what you need to do, but right now at this moment, on this day - look for the light and if it isn't there, trust what you know.
If you know God- trust that he will give you the tools you need to get out of this dark place, that he will clear the fog, that he will help you navigate and move and go toward your goal. Even if the darkness is there, even if there are days you feel traumatized, stunned, paralyzed, go back to what you know. Trust in the one who will be your helper, your refuge, your strength. Set goals, and make up your mind to navigate, with His help, through this dark place to find the light.
If you don't know God and all you can think of or see are the walls all around, or all you can do is sit and cry. Maybe you are even sitting in the darkness paralyzed, stunned by life, caught up in the hurt, drama, emotion and are in crisis mode.
If you are in this place, ask him now to come to you, to come into your heart, and fill your heart and mind with his presence, with His love and with His Hope.
At the end of the day, focus on the hope of the light.
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it". John 1:5